The President attended Westminster Kingsway College’s Graduate Presentation on Friday 29th September

The service and presentation took place in St Stephens Church next door to the college followed by a reception within the college

The certificates were given out in the church and the President gave out the Reunion des Gastronomes Award, to Best Restaurant Service Diploma Student of the year- Archie Smiton. He will be invited to the annual banquet.

A lot of the organisation of the Graduation was carried out by fellow Gastronome Marc Whitley

The President also gave a little talk about the Reunion des Gastronomes and close relationship with the college

The funding of the shoes for the students at the college was very well received and it was also mentioned that the students are gaining some work experience on Gastronome events which started at the recent Grouse Supper at L’Escargot and will carry on at the Annual banquet

At the presentation five industry figures were made Fellows of the college